Ruby O'Callaghan

Ruby has a talent and passion for rhythm & blues and soul music. With a rich and powerful singing voice, she is influenced by artists such as Aretha Franklin, Etta James and Alice Russell.
Laurie A'Court

As a seasoned saxophonist with a love of melody and a great knack for improvising Laurie can turn his hand to a wide range of styles. Laurie plays tenor, alto and soprano saxes. Favourite saxophonist - Sonny Rollins.
Richard Chamberlain

Multi-instrumentalist Rich brings his talents to the bass and backing vocals, whilst providing original material for the band.
Ollie Krol

Morgan West

Enjoying the challenges that the Ruffcuts’ music demands, Morgan relishes the chance to hone his guitar chops. Recently recorded and produced our latest album which can be found here.